CEO's Message

Dear ISAORA Guest,

We want to update you on ISAORA.

Brands come and go into our lives. What was relevant yesterday may no longer be the norm today. But some brands are universal and timeless through their values, and they have a stand and stay with us. 

At ISAORA, we are not just another brand. We are committed to maintaining our pioneering position in textile and garment technologies, a commitment that sets us apart and ensures our styles always embody sleek aesthetics.  

We have invested in our garment and textile factory in Istanbul, where we can access industry leaders and universities with global connections and use our own base as a design and development lab.

Our commitment to sustainability goes beyond the norm. We are not only investing in materials and products, but also in innovative business models that prioritize the health of our planet.

At ISAORA, we've embraced design and development technologies, a move that allows us to co-create with our community. This means that you, our esteemed customers, are not just observers but active participants in our design process.

Our goal at ISAORA is to design and develop digitally, ensuring that we produce only what resonates with you. This commitment to your preferences is not just a promise, but a guarantee that also aligns with our dedication to sustainability, as it helps us create no waste.

We hope we bring value to your lives.